山越-篠塚 共同研究プロジェクトのご紹介

Development of fetal movements measurement system using pulsed Doppler with minute tissue displacement measurement

New Method of Fetal Breathing Movements Tracking using Real-time Pulsed Doppler Ultrasound Displacement Measurement
Norio Shinozuka, Yoshiki Yamakoshi, Yuji Taketani
Journal of Ultrsound in Medicine 13(1):19-25,1994

To develop a clinical device for monitoring FBM with a simplified mechanism, the multi-channel pulsed Doppler device was achieved by modifying the ultrasonographic module and probe of a cardiotocograph. A new algorithm of signal processing with a high accuracy displacement estimation technique produced real-time and continuous displacement calculations. In vivo measurements demonstrated that real-time output produced commendable quality in FBM tracking. The displacement of a few hundred micrometers becaouse of FBM was measured successfully. The results suggest that quantitative assessments of FBM should be possible with this technique.
Keywords displacement estimation, fetal breathing movements, fetal behavior, fetal monitoring, pulsed Doppler ultrasonography

Realtime FBM tracking 1

QuickTime movie (2.4M) or MPEG movie(368k)

Realtime FBM tracking 2
QuickTime movie (2.4M) or MPEG movie(752k)

Development of three dimensional ultrasonograpy for transvaginal ultrasound

Transvaginal Sonographic Orientation Detection System using Ceramic Gyroscopes
Norio Shinozuka, Yasunori Oie, Yoshiki Yamakoshi, Yuji Taketani
Journal of Ultrsound in Medicine 15(2):107-113,1996

Use of three-dimesional ultrasonograms in daily clinical medicine requires the development of data accumulation technique and image reconstruction techniques. We desctibe an image position and orientation detection technique using small piezoelectric vibratory gyroscopes. Such gyroscopes, of the same type that is used in an automobile navigation system, produce anguler velocity by Coriolis force. After attaching three gyroscopes to an ordinal transvaginal probe, we attempted to detect image orientation to assist transvaginal scanning and to reconstruct three-dimesional projection images. Three-dimesional images were reconstructed by simple white and black inversion thresholding technique. Using free hand transvaginal scanning, the direction of transvaginal ultrasound beam was displayed with B mode ultrasonography. Using a personal computer, three-dimesional image of follicles and fetuses were successfully reconstructed within a few minuets. Our system provides easy understanding of transvaginal ultrasonographic images and potentially might allow ordinal ultrasound machines to handle three-dimesional images in a day to day clinical practice.
Keywords Three dimensional ultrasonography; Transvaginal ultrasonography; Orientation, image; Reconstruction, image; Gyroscope

Example of transvaginal ultrasonography using orientation detection system.
QuickTime movie (2.6M) or MPEG movie(233k)

Example of 3D ultrasonographic image of fetus at 8 weeks
QuickTime movie (1.4M) or MPEG movie(357k)

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